
来源:网络转载 2018-12-01 6007 人看过
请柬Mr.andMrs.ThomasLangrequestthehonorofyourpresenceatthemarriageoftheirdaughterJulietatoMr.RomeoonSaturdaythefirstofOcto… Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Langrequest the honor of your presenceat the marriage of their daughter Julieta to Mr. Romeoon Saturday the first of October at five o’clock St. Peter’s Church Oxfordand to the reception afterwards at the Royal Hotel 76 The ParksO xford.R.S.V.P.译文:托马斯郎先生和太太;很荣幸的邀请你们参加小女朱丽叶和罗密欧的婚礼,兹订于十月一日(星期X)下午五时在牛津电子请柬帕克斯76号皇家饭店设宴。恭请光临,谨订。英文结婚请柬范文二I was 2016年calendar month x(week day x) lunar month x wedding to prepare some actionFor , couples (or write * with his wife, with family members, Mr. XXX) at the XX Le Grand Large HotelAddress: Yanan Road, road, Jing Yueshu invitedTime: PM xxwhen waiting for译文:谨定于2016年公历x月x日(星期x)农历x月初x日为xx、xx举行婚礼,敬备薄酒。恭候xx和xx夫妇(或者写xx携夫人、xx携家眷,xx先生)光临xx大酒店。地址:延安中路xx号。

