
来源:网络转载 2019-08-31 6006 人看过
亲爱的xxx: 生日聚会将在下个星期中午12点在家中举办(后面写一下你的家庭住址)(切记带好500块钱) 请柬 期盼朋友们来参加聚会 xxx{本人名} 2009年12月xx日 Dear Liuyin Next saturday is m 亲爱的xxx:生日聚会将在下个星期中午12点在家中举办(后面写一下你的家庭住址)(切记带好500块钱)请柬 期盼朋友们来参加聚会 xxx{本人名}2009年12月xx日Dear Liuy请柬inNext saturday is my birthday.i`m happy to inviet you to come to my birthday party.Would you like to come to my party?i miss you a lot,we will have a lot of games on my party,also we will eat a lot,such as birthday cake,beef and so on.The time is half past six PM,i hope you can have time to come my party. And my home's address is Culture Street 28,you can take bus 3 or take Bus 46, in the People's Park Station,Opposite the red house is my house.Say hello to your mom and dad.请柬your`s Lihua更多喜帖吧内容推荐:教你写简单又好的生日邀请函

