
来源:网络转载 2021-04-21 6006 人看过

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harrison

  at three o’clock

  to their son

  at the marriage of
  request the honour of your presence  

  Mount Holly, New Jersey

  Sacred Heart Church

  on Sunday, the seventeenth of July
  two thousand and four

r. and Mrs. John Smith request the honour of your presence 请帖 at the marriage of their daughter Myrtle Marie to Boris Michael Harrison on Sunday, the seventeenth of July two thousand and four at three oclock Sacred Heart Church Mount Ho

  Myrtle Marie

  at three o’clock

  Sacred Heart Church

试验学术会议 电子请柬 邀请函: 素仰请柬 在xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx的贡献, 电子请柬 特邀于xxxx年xx月xx日至xx月xx日出席xxxx年xxxxxx试验学术会议。 xx大学 xxxx年xx月xx日                                试验学术会议电子请柬邀请函:素仰                  在xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx的贡献,电子请柬特邀于xxxx年xx月xx日至xx月xx日出席xxxx年xxxxxx试验学术会议。xx大学xxxx年xx月xx日

  Mr. Boris Michael Harrison

昨天是tfboys组合成员易烊千玺15岁生日,他举办了名为浪漫玫瑰园的主题生日会。生日会上易烊千玺表示:就像小王子与玫瑰花,玫瑰代表粉丝们,虽然他们生长在同一个玫瑰园,但每                                昨天是tfboys组合成员易烊千玺15岁生日,他举办了名为“浪漫玫瑰园”的主题生日会。生日会上易烊千玺表示:“就像小王子与玫瑰花,玫瑰代表粉丝们,虽然他们生长在同一个玫瑰园,但每一朵都不同,每一个人对于我而言都是独一无二的,是值得好好珍惜的存在。”才15岁,怎么就这么会说话,现成的情话样板。娱乐圈现在完全是小鲜肉当道了,看看TFBOYS这三个00后小电子请柬男孩,粉丝上千万,红的程度令人咂舌。还有从韩国退团回国发展的吴亦凡、鹿晗,还有内地当红小生李易峰、井柏然,都是后生可畏呀。

  request the honour of your presence

  on Sunday, the seventeenth of July

  at the marriage of their daughter

r. and Mrs. John Smith

  two thousand and four

  Mount Holly, New Jersey

  Miss Myrtle Marie Smith


